Integrating Email Marketing With Social Media Efforts Pays Off

Integrating Email Marketing

You can use social media and email both as a standalone strategy for your business marketing purpose but it is needless to tell that you will hardly have the desired effect and results. If you want to ensure the best results you will have to leverage these both in conjunction and in the best possible way.

Through social media and email marketing integration you will find that it is much easier for you to attain the desired results and even more benefits that may include everything:

  • From extending your reach of both of your marketing campaigns to recognizing the stalwarts of the industry and
  • From reducing the cost to getting more subscribers on your list.

Ideally, email marketing and social media marketing go hand in hand and it is essential for the marketers to understand the fact that an effective marketing strategy has nothing to do against social media or email marketing and there is no conflict between the two strategies.

Each works on its own and combines the efforts to provide you with the best results. Therefore, it is essential that all marketers of today make it a point to combine social media with email strategies. This will help you to either buy real Instagram likes. Get more signups for your emails or newsletters.

Benefits of social media and email marketing integration

Email marketing as always has remained one of the most valuable tools when you consider customer acquisition, reach out and lead nurturing. This type of campaign will, however, want you to reinvent the different marketing opportunities. If you can use it successfully with your social marketing campaign it can really take your business to new heights. Therefore, take a wise decision to incorporate social media in your email marketing campaigns.

There are different benefits of social media and email marketing integration and here are six of the most important benefits or reasons to integrate social media and email marketing campaign.

  • Enhance the marketing metrics: If you apply the principles of social media marketing in your email marketing campaign it will allow your readers to share their emails more easily. It will automatically improve the likelihood of getting more click through and better openings. This, however, in turn, will enhance the rate the conversion of your email marketing campaigns.
  • Get more subscribers: You will be able to increase the number of subscribers on your list when you make sure that people talk about your posts or emails on social media. This is the best form of word-of-mouth publicity that will increase the awareness for your brand. More and more people will automatically get a chance to know about your products and learn about your emails. This will, in turn, provide you with an opportunity to grow your email subscription list at a much higher rate.
  • Pre-eminent influencers: if you consider all of the information, facts, and figures retrieved from the different email service providers it will help you to determine and identify those who are consistent as email openers and result in more conversions. You can use this data to garner the power of all of your subscribers and then send exclusive email campaigns to all of them that will make them feel special and valued.
  • A new platform: When you manage all your social media marketing activities in one place it will present you with a new platform for interaction with the subscribers. Here, if you use diverse platforms it may offer you with new and better opportunities to reach out to more of your prospects and customers but may not enable you to engage with them in a better way. It is better, therefore, to let the subscribers know that you are active on social media channels. You can ask them to follow you so that you can keep in touch with them to deliver the latest updates, product launches and discount offers.
  • Give better options: You can give better and more useful options to all your email subscribers even if you do not use email as your only marketing channel. This is because it is highly likely that your subscribers will be more active on other social media platforms than email. It is wise to let them choose one of these platforms according to their level of comfort so that they can interact with you more effectively.
  • Amplify the potential reach: When you send your messages it goes without saying that you will want it to reach out to more and more customers. Well, you can only amplify your reach when you integrate social media into your email marketing campaign. This is because you will be able to enhance the reach of your email through the different marketing channels that you use.

With all these diverse and useful benefits there is no reason why you should not integrate your email marketing campaigns with social media.

Ways to do it right

There are different and specific ways to integrate social media and email marketing campaigns to do it right.

  • First, upload the list of all your subscribers to different social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn. You can even associate a face and name to the email address to get a fair idea of the preferences and requirements of your customers.
  • Second, you should invite your social media followers to your email list to subscribe so that you do not lose your followers due to the ever-evolving newsfeed algorithms. This will reduce the challenges in reaching and engaging prospects on social media and reconnect with them later.
  • Third, you should promote incentive-based referral strategy for marketing as this is always a better idea to engage all of your prospective customers and persuade all of those email subscribers. This will allow you to get their friends and families to your Facebook page and like it along with following you on Twitter or LinkedIn.

Lastly, embed an email signup form on Facebook so you can include your Facebook fans to become a part of your email list.

Olivia Wilson

Olivia Wilson is a digital nomad and founder of Todays Past. She travels the world while freelancing & blogging. She has over 5 years of experience in the field with multiple awards. She enjoys pie, as should all right-thinking people.